Sunday, April 10, 2011

OPI Simply Smashing & OPI Black Shatter

Okay so I'm new to blogging, but my fiancee convinced me I should make one and I'm really excited to start this up. I don't know where to begin, so I'll start off with a bit about me.

I wasn't too into nail polish or nail art until my sister introduced me to Konad a couple years ago. I would use hers on occasion, but I finally decided to buy my own and I have fell in love with nail art since then! I have recently started doing my nails more often than usual because I will start a nursing program soon, and heartbreakingly, nail polish is not allowed. That's pretty much the worst thing that can happen to a nailphile ='[ Anyways, until then, I'll be sharing my nail art, swatches, and any exciting events that come my way!

So I tried out Serena Williams first two polishes from her OPI collection. First is "Simply Smashing," which is a gold-green polish with very fine glitter. The other is "Black Shatter," which is the same shatter polish that comes with Katy Perry's Collection. I was hesistant to use Simply Smashing since a few reviewers said they had super yellow nails after wearing it, but I mustered up the courage! Here are the pics:

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